Pestisides can effect on brain....we should choose organic foods and vegatables in future
Adverse mental development at two years of age, attention problems at three-and-a-half and five years, and poorer intellectual development at seven years".
Another study calculated that an estimated 13 million IQ points a year are lost as a result of pesticides, which represents a loss of approximately €125bn (£109bn) across the European Union.
The report suggested this figure was likely to be an under-estimation, as it failed to take into account the possible impact of pesticides on diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes and some types of cancer.
The experts also raised concerns about pesticide regulation. While they undergo “a comprehensive risk assessment before market release … important gaps remain," they said.
Organic food, however, contains low pesticide levels and the “potential risks to human health are largely avoided”.
Professor Ewa Rembiałkowska, of Warsaw University, said: “There are indications that organic crops have a lower cadmium content than conventional crops due to differences in fertiliser use and soil organic matter, an issue that is highly relevant to human health.
And Professor Johannes Kahl said: "We find that people who prefer organic food also have overall healthier dietary preferences, including more vegetables, fruits, and wholegrain products and less meat.
"These patterns are also favourable from the perspective of environmental sustainability."
The report concluded that there was a link between organic food consumption and a decreased risk of allergic diseases, as well as potential benefits for overweight or obesity people.