Space Station Caught Eclipsing Supermoon
Space station caught eclipsing supermoon
The moon is as big and bright as the International Space Station is small and fast, but that didn't stop one ambitious photographer Eric Mack.
Night-sky watchers this week have been gawking at an extra-supermoon that's the biggest and brightest seen in several decades. It's also the second of three full moons to close out 2016 that can be considered "supermoons" or perigee moons that occur when the moon is closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit around us.
The November supermoon is the largest-appearing of the trio and amateur photographers have been busy sharing supermoon snaps from landmarks around the world.
But during the October supermoon, photographer Kris Smith managed to get an impressive shot of one satellite crossing another. In the below shot shared November 14 on Instagram, Smith created a composite image of 10 captures of the International Space Station crossing in front of the October supermoon.
Setting up this shot required meticulous planning and split-second timing as the International Space Station orbits us at over 17,000 miles per hour.
The space station is the size of a football field and much closer to us than the moon, but still manages to look like a speck crossing in front of La Luna.